
Sexy Object Writing Word Generator

Yesterday I posted how to get your creative juices flowing with object writing. Today I found a great site that you can use to randomly generate objects to write about. It’s more of a surprise word generator than a random word generator because you have to type a word in first. But at least it’s fast and easy and works when you don’t have a thesaurus or dictionary around. It also tells you the relative popularity of the word you chose. Pretty cool.

Click here:
(Found via )

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2 Responses to Sexy Object Writing Word Generator

  1. Paul October 3, 2007 at 6:24 pm #

    Hi Graham, fellow songwriter here… just thought I’d let you know about my site objectwriting.com. I have a ‘word of the day’ each day. It’s a forum, so people can join and feedback each others work. Another fab resource is the mcGill rhyming dictionary with verse-perfect. It provides perfect/near perfect rhymes and a thesaurus option as you type intro the word processor! it’s free – do a search.

  2. Graham English October 3, 2007 at 10:18 pm #

    Thanks for the heads up, Paul. I’ll check your site out.