

From The Desk Of
Graham English
(Fair warning: I will be making an offer)


Before you sink your teeth into the latest ear training hack, I want to let you in on something humiliating for me.

Last year I gave my first–and so far, only–“Advanced Absolute Pitch Mastery” teleclinic. It was killer. People called in from all over the globe to have their ears personally hacked by me. And, they paid dearly for the privilege.

That clinic instantly became notorious–I had never done anything like it before (or since). And people begged me to hold another one. But it was a ton of work for me, and I haven’t yet been inclined to even consider a repeat.

Fortunately, I had the clinic recorded. So I could offer it, at a far more reasonable price, to the folks who couldn’t attend in person.

This is where the humiliation comes in.

See, I had the CDs duped, and the package designed, and everything was fine… until, almost a year later, someone pointed out to me that there was a glaring mistake in the audio.

It was the WORST person who could have noticed it, too–the wonderful woman I share my life with. She is, truly, wonderful… but she takes a little too much joy in finding mistakes that I’m responsible for 🙂

One day, as I was listening to the first Pitch Language Unit, she asked me a question. “Graham,” she interrupted, “I thought Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony was the famous one. You said ‘Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony’.”

Arrrgh. For months, we’d been sending out packages of the CDs with a reference to the wrong Beethoven Symphony.

And no one else noticed.

It had to have been her.

I’ll never hear the last of it 😉

Anyway, here’s the deal: I’m not a perfectionist, but I’m not about to continue sending out packages with this glaring error anymore. We only have a few of these faulty boxes of CDs of Absolute Pitch Power left… and I want the shelves cleared of them. Therefore, I will let them go for HALF the normal price to the first-come people who click here: Absolute Pitch Power Oops!

Are the CDs worth it? Are you kidding me? For 6 weeks, it was just me and the attendees, on the phone and going deep about the detailed secrets of absolute pitch mastery. Here’s just a “taste” of what you’re about to feast on:

  • Learn how to instantly find “the zone” where everything becomes effortless
  • You’ll learn the single requirement for you to get out of your head and play with spine-tingling soul–which isn’t taught to all of those stiff and over-schooled session players you’ve heard again and again
  • Break through the “matrix-like” illusion that you have to “do something” at all to have absolute pitch
  • Discover how moving your eyes in the this precise direction can make pitch memory easier… and how it can help you improvise and create brand new melodies and riffs that you’ve never heard before!
  • How creative geniuses use their senses in “uncommon” and more flexible ways that can teach you how to “see things in a new light”–which results in unbelievably better-paying gigs and (when word gets out about your nasty new chops and confidence) even big-buck studio work!
  • Think in new ways–actually pump new blood into your brain which makes your brain healthier, making new connections which takes you into the realms of geniuses!
  • Learn how to shave 20 minutes off of your practice time for every hour with a “Convincer Strategy
  • Find out how to turn the volume up on any single note in a chord to hear it better–It’s like putting a magnifying glass up to sound and noticing more of the detail
  • Bonus: How to end procrastination once and for all… In only minutes!
  • Discover the “stopped clock” illusion and how it affects your sense of timing and rhythm
  • Discover when it’s important to have your eyes closed to improve your sense of hearing AND ALSO when it’s important to have your eyes open as you listen
  • You’ll learn the “secret” Performance Equation: P = p-i — And how most people never focus on the “i” part of the equation which literally kills any progress you could be making!
  • The process we use in “The Journey” has been shown to improve your IQ by .8 for every hour practiced!–At 15 minutes a day for 2 weeks, you’ll be 3 IQ points smarter!

And a ton more. Including how to tap that beautiful music inside of you–and establish superiority in the eyes of other musicians… why it takes a certain amount of time before you’ll be convinced that you have absolute pitch–and how you can shorten it!… how to tune your instrument on the fly (forget about needing to bring a tuner on the gig)… and how to think “melodically,” just like a pro–the one thing that separates the really talented players (who make each solo sing and complement the tune) from the wannabe’s (who butcher solos with the same old chops over and over, because they can’t think out of the box)

What you are about to witness is…

The Process Of Creating
Million-Dollar Ears!

I made sure the attendees “got it”… and from your “best seat in the house”, you will finally get it, too. Once the barriers to learning absolute pitch are busted apart, the skills come fast and furious.

This is what players and up-and-comers pray for–the chance to pick up just a few new tricks or pieces of advice or shortcuts… and to have their brain stimulated so the creative juices flow.

Because one piece of advice… or one new trick… or one forgotten edgy shortcut… can be, in the right hands…

Worth A Lifetime
Of Hit Music-Making!

So… are you in?

These CDs normally go for $97. A bargain.

But, while the small supply of imperfect packages lasts… you can have them for half of that–a cool $48.50. Full 90-day money-back guarantee, too. No questions asked.

You can pay in two installments, too, no problem. As long as you’re among the first to jump on this, while the small pile lasts. Very simple.

You must hurry, of course. I have never offered these CDs for less than full price, and probably never will again. This is a one-time offer, good until the supply vanishes. Which should be in about two days.

So click here right now, if you want ’em. There’s nothing wrong with the CDs… and having one of the rare personally humiliating packages gives you a funny story to tell. At my expense. “Hey, look what Graham did.”

Humiliating, I tell ya 🙂

Enjoy the Blog.


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