New FCC Chairman On Digital Restrictions

Art Brodsky of PublicKnowledge reporting from the Consumer Electronics Show:

FCC Chairman Kevin Martin said he drew a distinction between content shifted around a home network, and content shift outside, also known as piracy [to some].

I’m not sure exactly how I feel about DRM yet. But as a musician, I’m leaning towards letting go of ever getting paid for published content. It’s an extreme position right now. But it helps me look outside of the box.

There’s so many ways to monetize art. Take a look at my blog. I can post an mp3 of an original song and let people have it for free. If it’s good, they’ll be back. And guess how many ways I can monetize this site? Let’s see…

There’s Adsense, affiliate programs, display advertising, newsletter ads, paid directory listings, co-registration fees, membership subscriptions, drop-ship ecommerce, oh yeah… and live performances.

Just to name a few off the top of my head. But it’s late and I need sleep. My girlfriend comes home from a long vacation tomorrow and I want to be well rested for her. 🙂

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