Find, listen, save, sync, and create audio and video podcasts and mp3 blogs.
A website to ask songwriting questions and trade songwriting tips in a friendly atmosphere.
Dave must be cool because he played my song, Alive, on his podcast

Ear Training Hack #1. To get an accurate account of absolute pitch, it is important to measure the results of a pitch recognition test. Ear Training Hack #2. Absolute pitch is intertwined with an “enabling belief” that can also be measured.
Dolce Music Flash Cards is an easy to use drill and practice flash card styled tool to aide students in learning to read music notation.
absolute-pitch, audio, Blogging, blogs, Ear Training, EarTrainingHacks, Mac, mp3, music, music-software, MusicHacks, notation, perfect-pitch, podcasting, podcasts, podsafe, podshow, RSS, songwriters, Songwriting
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