
4 Responses to I Goofed! And Here’s Why It’s Good For You…

  1. Andrew August 21, 2007 at 3:39 pm #

    Graham, got yourself a little mess but knowing you, there is more than one way to get your goods moving. My thoughts is to bundle with another product. Like delivering more than expected. Maybe not on all of your products. This bundled with another will have some jumping to get it while it’s hot! Good Luck, Andrew

  2. Graham English August 21, 2007 at 3:51 pm #

    Thanks for the tip, Andrew. Good one. I’m pretty sure they’ll all go by the weekend though.

  3. Bob Quinn August 24, 2007 at 9:06 am #

    Good Morning Graham:You have a very unique approach..you should consider going into sales. You’ve got my attention w/the green offer. I’m assuming the work book is intergrated w/the cds. Can you tell me a little about the format of the pkg? As I understand..the book comes 1st, then.. are the 3 cds sent together..why not send em’ all at once? The price is 3 cds, workbook,$48.50/shipping $8.95 ? I appreciate your presentaton and effort. Respectfully Bob Quinn

  4. Graham English August 24, 2007 at 2:48 pm #

    Hi Bob. It seems that I’m already in sales. 🙂

    Everything (book and CDs) come at the same time. You’ve got the price correct.

    You can find more details about the course here: Absolute Pitch Power