
How To Become An Artist 2.0

Merlin Mann just pointed to a New York Times Magazine article about Jonathan Coulton and The Hold Steady. These artists are thriving in the post-CD music world through intimate virtual relationships with their fans.

Music promotion through blogs and social networks like MySpace is getting more and more powerful. Managing this vast world of [tag]Web 2.0[/tag] can be a daunting task. That’s why I recently created some AppleScripts to help me manage updating all the sites I belong to. I’m still refining the workflow but I plan on posting more about it later.

In fact, that’s why activity has been quiet on this blog. I’ve been “going meta” and examining all of my workflows to see how I can get more done in less time. That way I have more time to actually create music, which has been a major challenge for me as of late.

Stay tuned for a teleseminar on the subject of marketing your music through online social networks. In the meantime, here’s my AppleScript to open all of my Music 2.0 URLs:
Click here to open the script in Script Editor.

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