
Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

Give me 5 minutes and I’ll show you how to instantly find unique and interesting details to put into your lyrics.

The technique is called Object Writing and it’s so ridiculously easy that you’ll be pissed you didn’t know about it sooner. I learned it from .

Here’s how it works:

First, gather your materials. You’ll need tools for writing like a computer or pen and paper. You’ll want a thesaurus or dictionary or any book that you have lying around. Object Writing works best when you have a timer.

Second, open the book you chose earlier and randomly pick any word. Alternatively, you could write about any object you see around you.

Finally, write about the word you picked using the following guidelines.

  • Write from your senses (touch, taste, sound, smell, sight). In other words, avoid abstract ideas. Keep it real.
  • Write with a timer. Keep the time short. 2 to 5 minutes is best. 10 minutes max.
  • Don’t stop writing. It doesn’t have to rhyme or be in complete sentences. Keep writing rapid-fire.

That’s it. It’s simple. Now here’s why it works.

Sensory language is what connects the listeners to your writing. It follows the writing principle “show, don’t tell.” If you want your song to speak to your listener’s emotions, then you have to use language that resonates in the body. Emotions are embodied. You feel emotions. Emotions aren’t ideas that you think about. They are experiences. And experiences are real. So keep your language real and concrete. This is especially true for verses. Choruses can be meta to your verses. They can talk about the verse or the idea of the song. But your verses are the blood of the song. They live and breathe and the language should reflect that.

Object writing is the tool to develop your unique perspective. Only you can make the connection between an orange maple leaf and the smell of your lover’s wool sweater. With object writing, you tap into your personal experiences and memories and find your own unique perspective about life and the meaning of things. Object writing comes from your heart.

When you need quick stimulation, object writing allows you to dive in to the depths of your experience and pull out the relevant details that will make your writing interesting. It’s instant. And it gives you more choice because you have a vault of wonderful details to consider on the other side of your 5 minutes.

Here’s what an object writing session could look like:

Object: Leaves
Crunching under my feet I look down and see leaves of gold, burnt orange, and blood red. I imagine nostalgic moments of youth in the fall – argyle sweaters and jean jackets. Walks meant to soak up the last of the luke-warm sun and to hold hands with a young girl. Football and underage drinking. Parties too cold to be outside but too much in love to care. The leaves fall from the trees and they seem to stop in mid air as I imagine a September wedding…time stood still…I look around at the guests and they’re motionless, smiling, frozen in a conversation, and I feel blessed to be alive witnessing this moment of wonder and awe at the gifts of the heart. It’s my wedding day and the woman who these people are here to help me celebrate with is hiding in the house. Perhaps she’s peaking out of a window and maybe time is standing still for her too. And I wonder if she was the girl that some lucky boy held hands with in the fall of her youth. I can see them happy walking among the leaves on the sidewalk. The air is crisp and fresh. The sun falls to the west and my heart rises in the east. The past is romantic and the future is hopeful. The present is transfixed in an absolute moment of this – a celebration of love and happiness. A union of leaves to ground and separation from the tree. The aging bark is flexible and sways in the breeze and the scene begins to move again…leaves slowly falling, voices laughing, glasses clink and hearts open to the possibility of forever and ever.

See how simple it is?

Object Writing Hacks:

  • Start your day with 5 minutes of object writing. Once your inner writer is awake, it stays with you all day.
  • Object write from all parts of speech: nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.
  • Whenever you get stuck in a song, stop what you are doing and object write for a couple of minutes.
  • The more specific the picture, the more emotion it creates.
  • Before you begin, write your senses across the top of the page: sight, sound, taste, touch, smell, body, motion.
  • Ignore rhyme, rhythm, and sentence structure. Your writing doesn’t have to be polished at this stage. Let it be ugly.
  • Let the object take you wherever it wants. You don’t have to stay focused on the object. Follow the thoughts that arise.

Go ahead and take 2 minutes to do some quick object writing right here in the comments section. I’ll even get it started. 🙂

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15 Responses to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

  1. Graham English March 21, 2006 at 1:03 pm #

    Object: Puppy
    furry black and white puppy always running with his long tongue hanging out of his mouth. Little cute paws and a short constantly wagging tail. Looking up at me it jumps and jumps and gets so excited that it pees on the carpet and then retreats because it knows it’s done something bad but before long it’s wagging his tail again and yelping to play with him

  2. Bryan Henry April 27, 2006 at 11:45 pm #

    Great idea. This will really come in handy when I am sitting down with nothing but a blank sheet of paper.
    Being new to songwriting I have found many days where I could find nothing I felt worth singing about. My usual process is to make a title and then just write random words down. While this works I find it very unorganized and does not make a great story when it is completed. My lyrics tend to be to general and not focused. I think this method may help out in future songs.
    Thank you very much
    Bryan Henry

  3. Graham English April 27, 2006 at 11:50 pm #

    Yeah, you’re welcome. It really nails it down to a concrete task. Just write from your senses about an object. How simple?! 🙂

  4. Lew March 22, 2007 at 4:14 pm #

    object: Neighborhood
    Kids play as the sun goes down in the west. Tired boys dribble a basketball and walk down the sidewalk as the light separates in pointed triangles wherever it can creep out. The horizon is partly in it’s way. A girl in a house watches longingly and she can almost feel the october breeze when she sees the hair of the boys pushed back lightly and naturally. She looks down and knows that she’s got a lot ahead of her, and quickly she steals another glance at the boys, gaining a quick, vicarious escape.

  5. Graham English March 22, 2007 at 4:41 pm #

    Love it Lew! You put me right there with “October breeze.” Awesome.

  6. Mushin April 5, 2007 at 3:53 am #

    the tree in front of my window… have seen it, what a thousand times, tenthousand? Now bathing in the sun, warm, breaking through what’s left of the cold night. In patches here and there some crystallized water, moisture on the window as well.
    Taking a deep breath I feel the current of joy running through my veigns. Pre-goose-bumps, a kind of flow right here with me.
    Looking again some branches sway. There must be some wind – ah, the air I cannot see, sending me an imgainary chill. Seeing now the little bird, what’s-its-name? He can sing without a name, without me knowing his name, this bird.
    When the storm was trees fell over. But I didn’t hear that. It was to loud – the wind. Blowing too hard as to find out if it was chilly; and it was Febuary!
    Again the bird sings, an I still don’t know its name.

  7. Graham English April 5, 2007 at 9:42 am #

    Great imagery, Mushin. I can really feel it in my body.

  8. Kaleb April 6, 2007 at 11:50 am #

    Beautiful morning I awake to with warmth outside.I take a gaze at the idyllic site of melting snow still on the ground.The grass just starting to become green with every day that comes.Taking time to enjoy this moment,a light breeze comes down upon me.A spine chiller indeed,but somehow I cant help but enjoy the feeling.I crouch down and to touch the ground.Its still cold and leaves white spots on my hands, which turn back to their original color.I can cars driving on the long endless roads.As one passes me by an elder gives me a joyful look.How great it must be for him too,for spring to be coming along so well.I take a walk for it seems its been forever since I’ve had one.It becomes more and more chilly as I press forward.The wind gets stronger.I turn back.I make it home more quickly with the push of the wind against my back giving me speed.The wind dies down.I’m back where I had started.The snow finally melted.I can see a wonderful lawn in front of me as if it were gazing back at me.I can imagine it saying,”What a wonderful boy.”I just smile, and go back inside.A warm feeling of spring on me.

  9. Ryan April 27, 2007 at 12:40 am #

    blue meanies fired anti music missiles at the natives which petritricfied them .. their guns shoot blue arrows which alblueterate people stare tired
    apple bonkers blue purple and green walk each hill at stride dropping some big green apples on passers by they meet which is a nasy scene
    the snapping turks eats kids toys and smokers with guns in their feet if stepped on shoots them in the foot next time wear hard boots

    when at dusk their eyes glow in the dark and turn into a film projector in their night when on dutie
    they drained the colors from their sight and covered in thorns and thistles

    blue meanies have navy blue wooly bellys , got yellow teeth their lips are red lips they have mickey mouse hats on but their cheif has a hat with goofys ear and somewhat yet baffonish

    here is some thing i refined .. i wrote it when i was stoned which enabled me to free up sensational equipment , free the nervous system, freed from usual patterns .. from a timothy leary session i heard from

    flowing downstream to ride the warm waves
    i’m on a trip its a ship leaving my ego,haze
    far unseen in a corner of my mind
    it rides downstream flows like a maze

    flowing downstream shatters like glass falling
    its what see it comes from me
    riding off the stream unseen
    teal or green its what i feel
    odd or true its all from you

    that boat drifts out of sight

  10. Nolwe April 30, 2007 at 3:27 pm #

    Sounds like a great way to start off your day. I don’t know if this helps anyone, but what I try to do every morning before I do anything else (sometimes I’ll shower first, though, but still) is the following mini-schedule: Stretch! (Normal, Yoga, whatever) Some light exercise (push ups, jumping jacks, something to get the blood flowing), light meditation (or anything that let’s you be at peace in that way), free writing (similar to the above writing exercise [words, not music]. I usually set a time limit of 5-15 minutes), diction/rhetoric exercises (just to try and improve speech and general eloquence), listening (pitches, intervals, whatever you want to warm up on), free improvising (another 5-15 minute time limit. You can warm up on your instrument first, if you’d like.), free composing (even if it’s only a few notes. I try to compose at least a small amount every day to get myself in the habit of composing regularly) and then I usually end with some more stretching and/or a small meditative bit. That collective whole is my daily goal; however, I’m not always able to do all of it. I hope this springs some ideas or helps someone out!

  11. Graham English May 4, 2007 at 1:30 pm #

    That’s a great strategy, Nolwe! Thanks for sharing. Very inspiring.

  12. Jerry Dearborn May 6, 2007 at 11:20 pm #

    puppy.that little black and white thing running up to you trying to get you to pet it.heavy breathing,panting chasing my car on the way out of the driveway.is it under my car?i didn’t feel a thump so it must be okay.i can hear the owner yelling,swearing for it to get back here ya dumb dog.once on the way there i saw a pug humping a poodle.why is this memory still in my subconscious?i will never know


  1. The Graham English Blog » Sexy object writing word generator - March 22, 2006

    […] Yesterday I posted how to get your creative juices flowing with object writing. Today I found a great site that you can use to randomly generate objects to write about. It’s more of a surprise word generator than a random word generator because you have to type a word in first. But at least it’s fast and easy and works when you don’t have a thesaurus or dictionary around. It also tells you the relative popularity of the word you chose. Pretty cool. […]

  2. The Graham English Blog » Links for 2006-03-23 - March 23, 2006

    […] Get Your Creative Juices Flowing Give me 5 minutes and I’ll show you how to instantly find unique and interesting details to put into your lyrics. (tags: creativity howto lyricwriting songwriters songwriting songwritinghacks writesongs writing) […]

  3. The Graham English Blog » Random Word Generator - June 4, 2006

    […] As it is now, it’s perfect for object writing and brainstorming. What other uses can you find for it? If you found “Random Word Generator” helpful, please leave a donation for the author, or share it with others by bookmarking it at the following sites:                                     […]