
GarageBand Changing The Face Of Music Creation

GarageBand is bringing music to the masses in a way that is very easy… You feel that you are in a creative mode right away. There are always people that want higher-quality recording, but the basic fundamentals need to be delivered in a simple package and that’s what GarageBand does.

Some good conversation about GarageBand over at digg.

The software itself is really good. If you’re already using Logic Pro, Protools or something similar, then there’s no need to switch. But I look at it more like opening a text editor instead of MS Word. It opens faster, I can capture my ideas faster, and should I want to expand my production, I can import my work into Logic Pro.

But the real impact of GarageBand is cultural. Anyone can begin expressing themselves through audio and if you have some talent, people might even listen to you. That is too cool. .

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