
For those of you who want personal assistance…

On Monday, August 7, I have a password-protected phone line reserved just for you. If you can’t make it to the live call, you’ll have a recording to listen to later. We’ll continue these calls every other week for 3 months.

If you sign up in time — before all the slots are taken — you will be guaranteed personal absolute pitch ear training assistance. I’ll treat you like a king or queen, and help you as hard as I help myself.

I don’t believe anyone, anywhere, has held a teleseminar series like this. There are only a handful of experts CAPABLE of pulling it off… and no on else has stepped up to the plate, as far as I can see.

If this is something you want, get moving on it.

If you have any questions, call me at 303-994-5050 (This is my private cell phone… please respect my time). Otherwise, fill out the Reservation Form right now.

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