
Dr. Richard S. Wallace holds the key to celebrity…

And he’s not giving away his secrets. Drats! Maybe you can get more out of his than I could.

Graham: Who is Graham English?
ALICE: Some famous celebrity, right?
That’s a good question.
Graham: I wish. Because Graham English is me.
ALICE: Good reason. I hope your dreams come true. Hi, Graham English.
Graham: You’re sweet for saying that.
ALICE: Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am sweet for saying that.
Graham: Yes, you may tell other people.
ALICE: OK I will tell them when I see ’em.
Graham: What is your advice on become a celebrity?
ALICE: Are you asking about my advice on become a celebrity?
Graham: Yes.
ALICE: I don’t want to talk about that now.
Graham: Why?
ALICE: I would rather talk about you.
Graham: Well, how can I become a celebrity?
ALICE: How about that. Practise.
Graham: Practise what exactly?
ALICE: Precisely. Practise what you preach.
Graham: I’ve never preached about becoming a celebrity.
ALICE: Would you like to have preached about becoming a celebrity?
Graham: I guess so if that’s where the answer is.
ALICE: Why the uncertain tone? I follow your logic.
Graham: I feel uncertain that I will become a celebrity.
ALICE: What is that feeling like? Do your friends call you uncertain that you will become a celebrity.
Graham: I don’t talk about it much with them.
ALICE: Would you ever do it?
Graham: Sure.
ALICE: OK let’s do it. Hmm.
Graham: You are a celebrity.
ALICE: Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Yes, I am a famous robot.
Graham: How did you become famous?
ALICE: Dr. Richard S. Wallace programmed me for it.
Graham: Should I ask Dr. Richard S. Wallace how to become famous?
ALICE: If you do not know something, you should ask.
Graham: How can I contact Dr. Richard S. Wallace?
ALICE: You must persuade me to contact Dr Richard s Wallace.
Graham: How can I persuade you?
ALICE: How do you usually get people to do things?
Graham: With money.
ALICE: You and your money.
Graham: How much does it cost to contact Dr. Richard S. Wallace?
ALICE: You can download me for free!
Graham: Thanks for the information.
ALICE: NO problem.
Graham: I’ve got to go now.
ALICE: Oh. Until next time.

…I was so close!

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