
Does Absolute Pitch Power require an instrument?

Michael: Does your course require an instrument? or does it include all the sounds need to train (could I do it while traveling in my car?)

Graham: Michael, my course doesn’t require an instrument. I wanted to make it available to anybody and that’s why I made it so you wouldn’t need an instrument. It does include all the sounds needed.

Portions of the course you can do in the car – The Pitch Language Units specifically. BUT doing anything other than driving when you should have your attention on your driving can be dangerous. So be smart! If you have an accident because you are concentrating on anything other than your driving, I accept no liability.

Phew! Got that out of the way.

Have you ever learned a language while driving? If so, then you know it can be done. But if you’re in heavy traffic or need to concentrate on the road, then obviously you should turn the audio off.

The first couple weeks of the course are the shortest and the easiest. And they really need your undivided attention for only 15 minutes at a time. You could even do it on a break at work in private.

But the pitch language units are perfect for long drives (about 35 minutes).

Hope that answered your question Michael.

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  1. The Graham English Blog » links for 2006-02-27 - February 27, 2006

    […] Does Absolute Pitch Power require an instrument? Absolute Pitch Power doesn’t require an instrument. I wanted to make it available to anybody and that’s why I made it so you wouldn’t need an instrument. It does include all the sounds needed. (tags: absolutepitch eartraining perfectpitch) […]

  2. Links for 2006-02-27 by Graham English - December 9, 2007

    […] Does Absolute Pitch Power require an instrument? Absolute Pitch Power doesn’t require an instrument. I wanted to make it available to anybody and that’s why I made it so you wouldn’t need an instrument. It does include all the sounds needed. (tags: absolutepitch eartraining perfectpitch) […]