
Discover the Power of Mental Rehearsal

Table of contents for Mental Rehearsal

  1. Discover the Power of Mental Rehearsal
  2. Discover the Power of Mental Rehearsal Part 2: Image Streaming

Have you ever created the perfect melody or song in a dream? Or maybe you composed a complete symphony or an amazing solo?

Imagine that you could create those “perfect dream moments” anytime you want. Imagine there is a process so powerful that you can literally program your mind to create anything you want.

Read these examples:

  • Nicholas Tesla, who created A/C (the energy source for almost every country!), used only his brain to visualize a complete motor using A/C. Then he turned on the motor and let it run, uninterrupted, in his head for 3 months. After the 3 months, he took the motor apart and noticed what parts wore out the quickest. He then created a motor based upon the images in his brain and his prototype worked beautifully the first time!
  • Einstein created his famous Theory of Relativity through visualization.
  • Mozart and some of our other great composers would hear entire symphonies with their mind’s ear before they would touch pen to paper.
  • Many of our most successful athletes run an event with visualization more than they actually run the event.

Since 60,000 BC, humans have been using visualization for clarifying goals, problem solving, personal growth and transformation. Visualization is practically a science with specific steps and guidelines and measurable results. In as little as 10 minutes a day, you can harness the language of the right brain and the subconscious to create self-fulfilling prophecies.

Here’s a visualization exercise:


Select an end-goal image of something you would like to change in your life. Give it lots of detail. Think of your pre-goal image: the way things are now. Now close your eyes. Take a few moments to focus on your breathing — inhaling relaxation, exhaling tension. Do this 5 or 6 times. Now, picture your pre-goal image but don’t put too much energy into it — make it dull with little detail. In 2 seconds or less, “swoosh” away the pre-goal image with the end-goal image. While you are looking at that image (about 30 seconds), awaken each one of your senses.

Do it again. Really feel it. Intensely. Even speed up the action in the image. And release. Do this about 10 to 15 times. When you are finished, suggest to yourself that your dreaming self will create a blueprint or insight about that goal. This will make your conscious and subconscious mind work as partners.

Here’s some visualization tips:

  • Utilize all 5 senses: touch, taste, smell, sound and sight.
  • The greater the detail the quicker the results.
  • Put lots of emotion into your images — really feel them.
  • Always end visualization with a smile and a sense of gratitude.

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  1. The Graham English Blog » Links for 2006-10-08 - October 8, 2006

    […] Discover the Power of Mental Rehearsal Have you ever created the perfect melody or song in a dream? Or maybe you composed a complete symphony or an amazing solo? Imagine that you could create those “perfect dream moments” anytime you want. (tags: composing dreams exercises goals NLP HowTo lifehacks) […]