
Digital Music Sales Skyrocket in 2005

Digital Music Sales Skyrocket in 2005:

Luke PiWalker writes “The market for digital music hit $1.1 billion in 2005, more than triple 2004 sales. But the industry, wanting to wring the maximum profit out of the consumer, remains fixated on piracy.” From the article: “The IFPI also called on ISPs to join the fight against music piracy, which it claims severely erodes the profits of its 1,450 member record companies across the globe. The IFPI added that the legitimate music business was gradually gaining ground on digital piracy. It said research showed that in Europe’s two biggest digital markets — Britain and Germany — more music fans are now legally downloading music than illegally file-swapping.

Okay, great. If you want to get paid for your digital music, you can focus on Britain and Germany.

I, however, am looking forward to a good music community membership that allows users to recommend music to each other. I think the way Netflix does this is good for now.

But piracy is bullshit. People who download music don’t see themselves as crooks. And they don’t fit the profile of a dishonest thief either. In the words of Peter Tosh, “Legalize it.”

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