Binaural diplacusis or interaural pitch difference is the different perception of a single auditory stimulus by the two ears; the difference may be in tone (disharmonic d.) or in timing (echo d.).
ToneTester tests your ears for differences in how they hear pitches (“binaural diplacusis” or “interaural pitch difference”). You adjust a slider until your ears hear the same pitch, and then ToneTester tells you the actual pitch difference.
i am a guitarist, just had an ear infection. now i hear a lower pitch in my left ear to my right. its about a semitone. a guitar solo is now a cacophony of noise as its all out of tune!
what i want to know is whether its permanent. i have had it for 1 day at this point and if its permanent i dont know how i will handle it. have always loved guitar but now a single note is horrible. praying it will pass. if anyone knows can u post please
I’m not a doctor so I really can’t comment on that. You should see a specialist. But I’m really curious what’s going on so if it’s not too much trouble, please keep me posted. Thanks
no problem..
today its affecting voices. u know that chipmunk effect u can add to ur soundcard.. squeaky high voice, well when my baby cries now its one normal and one chipmunk.
musical chords dont seem affected. just single notes. i guess its individual frequencies. cant tune a guitar now without an earplug lol
will let u know how it pans out
Yes, please do! It’s very strange.
well, its what 3 weeks later? after getting louder as the ear healed and more noticeable, overnight 3 days ago it went. all ok now. thank god for that