
Confusing Music Theory Fundamentals And Cliche

Wanna hear something provocative? Check out this quote from an old issue of keyboard magazine.

“On this experimental record, I’ve been trying to explore more jazz harmonies. The thing is — and I’m gonna piss off a lot of people here — the II-V-I hits my barf button like nothing else. It’s the most horrible cadence in the known universe, so I’ve been looking at jazz that takes off in other directions.”
– BT, music producer

Now I respect everyone’s right to have a musical opinion. But I bring this up to warn people against forming strong negative opinions (aka limiting beliefs) about something as basic as the fundamentals of music.

I respect BT as a musician. He puts out great music. But his comment is the equivalent of Michael Jordan saying that lay ups make him want to puke. Better yet, it’s like Arnold Schwarzenegger saying that biceps are a terrible thing. Maybe the reason BT makes such good music is because of his strong opinions. I don’t know. But I do know that the average musician is going to need as many choices as possible in their musical lives. Why limit yourself?

Do what you need to make the basics interesting for you. Just don’t close the doors on a boundless library of musical experience.

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One Response to Confusing Music Theory Fundamentals And Cliche

  1. Verlon Walden April 30, 2007 at 11:59 am #

    I agree with you…we need all the options that are
    available to us. Thanks for all the music info and
    tips. Verlon