
BitTorrent: The Final Nail in the Music Industry Coffin?

In the war against music file swapping, there have been countless casualties. Napster and Grokster are a few that come to mind. But, even with the industries clamp down on file sharing, new technologies have emerged to make this fight, against such financial loss, impossible to win. One such free technology, BitTorrent, created by Bram Cohen, looks to be the proverbial nail in the coffin that is physical media.

The music industry must change. They’ve been giving us crap for too long and charging us an arm and a leg for it. It’s ludicrous.

But if we don’t get paid for our music, how do we make money as musicians?

Keep in mind, the “music as product” model didn’t always exist. Music used to be a service. So think of your recording efforts as ways to pre-sell live shows and events and your musical services. Podcast anyone?

It’s time to be creative in the marketing of your music. I’m keeping this conversation going…

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