
Absolute Pitch Accelerators TeleSeries

Find out how you might already have absolute pitch!

[tag]TeleSeries[/tag] Details:

  • Understand the difference between Active and Passive Absolute Pitch — and how to develop both of them.
  • Learn how to use the Absolute Pitch Accelerators — you might find that you already have either Active or Passive AP!
  • Get password protected access to the call replay — if you can’t make the live calls, don’t worry. We record them.
  • Get password protected access to the call discussion — group participation can give you the motivation and tools to learn faster.
  • Only $27 for the entire two-part TeleSeries — that’s almost twice as cheap as a single private lesson!

Register Now To Get Your Passcode!

There are only 90 spots available. So hurry!

To get your Passcode for our LIVE two-part teleseries (Thursday, April 20 and Thursday, April 27 at 5:30pm PDT, 8:30pm EDT), please click here now.

I learned how to recognize pitch just like Graham said I would be able to. This program did exactly what is said it would. Thank you Graham.
Gabe Serifine

I bought this course to improve the speed of my transcriptions and compositions. And so far, I’ve been very pleased with the results. And it’s only been 3 weeks.
John Yamashiro

Hi, I’m an oboist and in just the 25 days I’ve been using this course the accuracy of my intonation and musicality has improve dramatically
Tony Burton

Reserve Your Spot Today

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  1. The Graham English Blog » links for 2006-04-19 - April 19, 2006

    […] Absolute Pitch Accelerators TeleSeries Find out how you might already have absolute pitch. (tags: absolutepitch eartraining eartraininghacks musiclessons perfectpitch teleseminars) If you found “links for 2006-04-19” helpful, please leave a donation for the author, or share it with others by bookmarking it at the following sites:                                     […]