
Your Music Will Sell In Japan?

I have been speaking with a business friend of mine, Greg Percifield. In case you don’t know him, he’s the owner of Music Forte Inc. We were discussing various CD distribution companies, and the problems that existed in that field of the music business. We both concluded that the rate of actual distribution is very poor. Many artists get set up with CDBaby or similar distribution companies just to have their CDs sit on a shelf year after year.
While it may not be the responsibility of these distribution companies to promote music, Greg shared with me TWO unique solutions that will likely see so much success that Music Forte will become a regular part of any working musician’s career. I’ll tell you right off the bat that these ideas aren’t for everyone, but if you’d like to expand your reach, this is something you should not pass up.
Plan 1
Music Forte has opened its doors to the Far East (Japan, to be specific). I personally know several musicians who have had tremendous success with their music in Japan. It’s the World’s second largest economy. Much of this wealth is from the entertainment industry. Even if you’re not planning on touring Japan, you’ll still be able to find your way into the marketplace, and with the right success, it can be a great compliment to your press-kit or one-sheet.
My main concern when he told me about this was, can it be done effectively? The answer is yes. Greg spent nine years performing in Japan, and has established some very talented contacts that are making their living with music every day. With the help of this staff, your CD will not only be distributed directly from Japan, but your music website is translated into Japanese. Then, an SEO expert optimizes the site so that it ranks well with the Japanese search engines. This is really effective because the Music Forte site already boasts over 100,000 pages and a high PR with Google. This enables rapid indexing with major search engines.  
Along with the translations, and SEO work, actual advertisements are run through Japanese publications that frequent bars and club circuits. These publications announce YOUR CD release, and provide the URL which contains both an English and Japanese version of your bio, samples of your songs and of course a sales link that provides shipping from the US and from Japan. The Japanese sites are all translated by hand. There is no translation software involved. Software simply doesn’t do the job right.
If you ARE planning to travel abroad, the Music Forte staff is prepared to provide advanced booking for you. Of course, this is done as an additional service. But with your translated website, publication, and sales distribution in Japan, the booking manager is going to be much more interested in having you at their club. Either way, you’re setting yourself up to succeed in a market that has not yet been offered to musicians. 
Because Greg and I are working together, he’s allowed me to sell this service $125 under the normal price. But, this is only available for the first 20 people. He can’t give more than that away. Due to costs involved, and the time spent with each project, they only allow a certain number of registrations per month. I was disappointed to hear that at first, because it would be nice to see everyone who has an interest in this service be able to get right in. On the other hand, it’s nice to know that each band is getting the full attention they deserve without any delays due to an overload in work.
You will not find a better price for this anywhere on the net. So here it is, $250. SEO alone is generally priced at over $1000. Music Forte takes care of all the work, and even ships your first 5 CDs for you. The publication of your ad is also included. In fact, there is a huge list of services that you’ll be surprised to hear about. You can get more information now by visiting:

Remember, this is only available to the first 20 people to signup. After that, the cost goes back up to it’s regular $375.  
Plan 2
This is very exciting. Plan 2 is an idea that EVERYONE can take advantage of. And it doesn’t require a lot of money. However, it’s not ready yet, and he’s asked me not to reveal it just yet. I can’t blame him for being timid on announcing the solution of moving all Indie CDs. This is a business plan that will surely belong to Music Forte, and you’re going to love it! All I can say is that if you’re working with ANY CD distribution companies, and your CD hasn’t moved – Music Forte has found the solution. All you have to do is join their Gold Plan. Full details will be available within two weeks. But why wait? Check out the outstanding benefits that Music Forte can offer you right now as a Gold Plan member:


Good Luck!

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4 Responses to Your Music Will Sell In Japan?

  1. Devine Taylor September 24, 2006 at 2:25 pm #

    Hey this is a good thing that you have going on here . I would like to be apart of this …

  2. Graham English September 24, 2006 at 2:51 pm #

    It really is! Call Greg Percifield at 815-230-5219. Tell him Graham sent you and he’ll give you a deal. Or if you prefer, you can do it online. Greg’s an awesome dude and he’s helping a lot of musicians get connected.

    Come back here and let me know how it goes. 🙂


  1. The Graham English Blog » links for 2006-04-15 - April 15, 2006

    […] Your music will sell in Japan? Even if you’re not planning on touring Japan, you’ll still be able to find your way into the marketplace, and with the right success, it can be a great compliment to your press-kit or one-sheet. (tags: musicbusiness musicians musiciansdirectory musicindustry musicpromotion musicpublishing Japan music artists music2.0) If you found “links for 2006-04-15” helpful, please leave a donation for the author, or share it with others by bookmarking it at the following sites:                                     […]

  2. Top Music Business Articles of 2006 » The Graham English Blog - December 22, 2006

    […] Your Music Will Sell In Japan? […]