
Tunecore Puts Your Music Into iTunes And Rhapsody

Friday Morning Miscellany:

Indie musicians looking for a good deal on digital distribution should look at Tunecore. Its no-frills pledge: “You get 100% of what iTunes and Rhapsody pay! We take NOTHING. Not a penny. It all goes to you. There are NO hidden costs or fees.

You pay a one-time delivery charge of $0.99 per song. There is a yearly maintenance fee of $7.98 per album. If you want your album in International iTunes stores (Canada, U.K./Europe, Japan and Australia) or on the Rhapsody service, there’s a one-time delivery charge of $0.99 per store/service per album.

I also recommend setting up a podcast to talk about yourself and presell your music. It’s a really good model.

Oh yeah, and blog like crazy. Connect to as many musicians in the blogosphere as you possibly can.

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  1. The Graham English Blog » links for 2006-01-30 - February 27, 2006

    […] Tunecore puts your music into iTunes and Rhapsody (tags: musicpromotion musicpublishing musicbusiness) […]