
The Perfect Song Title – 5 Things To Remember

  • Place Your Song Title At Key Points In The Chorus
    Your song title is more likely to be remembered if it is placed in the first or last line of the chorus.
  • Place Emphasis On Your Song Title In The Chorus
    Support your song title by giving it a rhythm, melody, and harmony that sounds natural and intuitive. Make your song title easy to remember by giving it priority and putting it in the foreground by either surrounding it with space, accenting the rhythm, or through other contrasting techniques.
  • Create Many Chorus Options For Any Song Title
    Don’t stop at your first idea. Move the song title around in the bar. Change its placement in the melody, move it up or down in the scale. Make sure you give yourself plenty of solid choices.
  • Repeat The Song Title
    The song title is usually in the chorus and the purpose of the chorus is to get your listeners, who are not musicians, to sing along with you. Repetition is one of the best ways to do this. If you want people to remember your song title, repeat it.
  • Use Sound To Spotlight The Song Title
    You can spotlight your song title through the effective use of rhyme, unique word choice, or contrasting vowel sounds. Choose syllables that are naturally stronger than others to set your song title apart from the rest of the lyric.

Use these five rock solid songwriting techniques to make your next song title more memorable.

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6 Responses to The Perfect Song Title – 5 Things To Remember

  1. Dr. Trey December 2, 2006 at 7:11 am #


    What a great site. Thank you for commenting on my songwriting post, because of that I found you and I put you on my link page. Big Mahalo!

  2. Graham English December 2, 2006 at 10:32 am #

    Thanks! Us blogging musicians gotta stick together. 😉

    You’ve got it made over there in beautiful Hawaii. I need to come and chill with you. 😀

  3. Dr. Trey December 4, 2006 at 6:21 am #

    anytime Graham, would love to meet you.

  4. Emmy September 6, 2007 at 12:05 pm #

    I try to write lyrics, and I’ve read a couple of your other blogs, and to be honest, I suck at songwriting, but I want to write my own stuff, ya know? I do sing a whole lot, though. Your blogs are great, and I’m glad I found them. They’re a huge help for me to learn for the future. =]

  5. Graham English September 6, 2007 at 12:17 pm #

    Glad you like the blog Emmy. The trick is to write A LOT. 80% of your writing will suck. 20% will be useable. If you only write 100 words a day, then it’ll take longer to complete a song that’s any good than if you write 200 words a day. So keep at it.


  1. Top Songwriting Articles for 2006 » The Graham English Blog - December 18, 2006

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