
Solo Transcriptions: Mini Mama Alto Sax Solo

Joe ZawinulJoe Zawinul died today. He was 75. He had been in the hospital for a month suffering from a rare form of skin cancer.

You can find out more about his life and music at his official site and on Wikipedia. His music will be missed but never forgotten.

One of my favorite albums featuring Joe Zawinul as a sideman is Why Am I Treated So Bad? by Cannonball Adderley. The title track features a dirty wurlitzer solo by Joe. To me, the best part is the audience participation. It’s a deep conversation between musician and audience.


Another great track on that album is Mini Mama. The transcription I’m posting below is of Cannonball Adderley’s alto sax solo. This is another soulful blues that gets the audience shouting.


Download the transcription:
Mini Mama Alto Sax Solo

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5 Responses to Solo Transcriptions: Mini Mama Alto Sax Solo

  1. David Jacoby September 11, 2007 at 4:31 pm #

    Hey Graham,

    Thanks for this. My first encounter with Joe was on Weather Report’s Black Market, which still stands up, in my mind, as one of the best jazz fusion records ever made.

    But the man had some ROOTS in him for an Austrian cat trained at the Vienna Conservatory!

    This is a big loss…

  2. Graham English September 11, 2007 at 5:33 pm #

    I have a lot of Weather Report on vinyl but don’t own a record player at the moment. I think it’s time to get it on digital. Man, I still love Birdland.


  1. links for 2007-09-12 » Graham English Social Networking - September 12, 2007

    […] Solo Transcriptions: Mini Mama Alto Sax Solo » The Graham English Blog I’m posting this solo by Cannonball Adderley in honor of Joe Zawinul who played on the album and died today. (tags: grahamenglish transcriptions transcribing solos jazz saxophone eartraining blues) […]

  2. Twitter Updates for 2007-09-11 » Graham English Social Networking - September 13, 2007

    […] hear a great Joe Zawinul (R.I.P.) solo? Solo Transcriptions: Mini Mama Alto Sax Solo […]

  3. links for 2007-09-17 » The Graham English Blog - September 17, 2007

    […] Solo Transcriptions: Mini Mama Alto Sax Solo » The Graham English Blog I’m posting this solo by Cannonball Adderley in honor of Joe Zawinul who played on the album and died today. (tags: transcriptions transcribing solos jazz saxophone eartraining blues grahamenglish) […]