
Is Your Course Better Than David Lucas Burge’s? If So, Why?

JB: Is your course better than David Lucas Burge’s? If so, why?

Graham: I believe Absolute Pitch Power is better than David Lucas Burge’s Perfect Pitch(R) Ear Training SuperCourse. ~One of the reasons is because my course doesn’t take as long to say 😉

I bought Burge’s course a long time ago. The testimonials really got me excited. I listened to it whole heartedly (It’s very long – mine’s shorter – one of the reasons why I think mine is better). It was going fine at first. I already had a really strong relative pitch so I was using that a lot in the beginning. Then it started getting harder and harder and I started asking myself, “Where am I resisting that makes it so hard?” Maybe I could relax my ear and it would come to me.

So I started using a lot of what I know about how people learn to improve upon what he taught me. His course is pretty old and doesn’t take into consideration the major advancements that have taken place in accelerated learning. < = another reason why I think my course is better. That's what made the difference. I tossed aside his dated learning technology and his verbose teaching style and followed my own method. So, in a nutshell, my course is shorter - making it faster - and more up-to-date - making it easier. Oh yeah, my course isn't as expensive as Burge's. 🙂

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  1. The Graham English Blog » links for 2006-02-08 - February 27, 2006

    […] The Graham English Blog » Is your course better than David Lucas Burge’s? If so, why? (tags: grahamenglish absolutepitch eartraining perfectpitch) […]

  2. Links for 2006-02-08 by Graham English - December 9, 2007

    […] Is your course better than David Lucas Burge’s? If so, why? (tags: grahamenglish absolutepitch eartraining perfectpitch) […]