
Ear Training With Your Cell Phone Ringtone

Ear Training Hack #4. Use your cell phone ringtone as a pitch trigger.

These days everyone has custom ringtones on their cell phones. My current ringtone is All Blues by Miles Davis. Well, one of the fastest ways to prove to yourself that you can have perfect pitch is with [tag]pitch triggers[/tag]. So learn the notes of your cell phone ringtone and use it as a pitch trigger.

If you know that your ringtone is a B, then every time you hear it you’ll be conditioning yourself to memorize that tone. Within a week or two you’ll recognize that tone whenever you hear it. It’s a great way to develop your [tag]passive absolute pitch[/tag].

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  1. The Graham English Blog » links for 2006-04-09 - April 9, 2006

    […] Ear training with your cell phone ringtone One of the fastest ways to prove to yourself that you can have perfect pitch is with pitch triggers. So learn the notes of your cell phone ringtone and use it as a pitch trigger. (tags: absolutepitch eartraining eartraininghacks relativepitch perfectpitch) If you found “links for 2006-04-09” helpful, please leave a donation for the author, or share it with others by bookmarking it at the following sites:                                     […]

  2. Everytime I hear a B, I reach for my cell phone… » The Graham English Blog - December 5, 2006

    […] In case you missed it, I’ve talked about ear training with your cell phone ringtone before. If you found “Everytime I hear a B, I reach for my cell phone…” helpful, please consider , or share it with others by bookmarking it at the following sites:                                     […]