
Discover the Power of Mental Rehearsal Part 2: Image Streaming

Table of contents for Mental Rehearsal

  1. Discover the Power of Mental Rehearsal
  2. Discover the Power of Mental Rehearsal Part 2: Image Streaming

Image streaming is the exact technique used by geniuses such as Einstein, Edison and Tesla. Not only will image streaming enhance your creativity, it will actually increase your IQ!

Image streaming is your doorway to the subconscious mind. This stream-of-consciousness visualization technique delivers spontaneously-generated thoughts directly from the subconscious mind as an answer or solution to a problem or simply to see what comes up. The image streaming process is especially useful for composing.

Here are the steps to image streaming:

  1. Breathe deeply and progressively relax your entire body from head to toe.
  2. Close your eyes and describe images aloud to either a live person or to a tape recorder. This step is important because describing images aloud and having a live recipient of those images creates a feedback loop which makes the connection from the subconscious to the conscious even stronger.
  3. You must use all senses in your descriptions: Sight, sound, touch, smell and taste.
  4. Describe in the present tense and don’t hesitate, stop or edit.

That’s all there is to it. It’s always the simple things that make the most impact to your life.

Here’s a couple of exercises to get you going:

  1. Just describe anything. Take a good look at any object close by, close your eyes and start describing it. This will get you acquainted with the image streaming process.
  2. Take a problem that you need a solution to, such as a new and improved opening song for your band’s set or the form of a new song you’re writing, and allow the images to spontaneously come. Let your mind take you in whatever direction it wants. Soon, you will have an extremely creative idea fall right into your lap.

As I said earlier, there’s evidence that image streaming increases your IQ by .8 with every hour practiced! Some other benefits of image streaming includes increased memory, better brain health, enriched experience, build your power of understanding and increased self-esteem. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

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5 Responses to Discover the Power of Mental Rehearsal Part 2: Image Streaming

  1. Keen September 17, 2006 at 1:57 am #

    Hey, I’m just wondering, has image streaming actually worked for you? do you see any improvements in your ability to perform?

  2. Graham English September 17, 2006 at 9:42 am #

    It absolutely has! It’s part of an almost daily practice for me.

    Image streaming has improved my creativity immensely. I created an audio program called to help with problem solving, creativity, and developing your own personal genius. I originally developed it for myself and I still use it regularly. If you’re interested in finding out more about the creator of image streaming, I highly recommend this program: .


  1. A 20-Minute Mental Workout » The Graham English Blog - November 4, 2006

    […] Another great technique to use is Image Streaming. If you found “A 20-Minute Mental Workout” helpful, please leave a donation for the author, or share it with others by bookmarking it at the following sites:                                     […]

  2. Links for 2006-10-08 » The Graham English Blog - November 20, 2006

    […] Discover the Power of Mental Rehearsal Part 2: Image Streaming Image streaming is the exact technique used by geniuses such as Einstein, Edison and Tesla. Not only will image streaming enhance your creativity, it will actually increase your IQ! (tags: brain composing creativity CreativityHacks exercises intelligence IQ memory HowTo) […]

  3. Top Peak Performance Articles for 2006 » The Graham English Blog - December 22, 2006

    […] Discover the Power of Mental Rehearsal Part 2: Image Streaming […]