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If you find the information on this site valuable and would like to leave a donation for, please use one of the options below. Donating is completely optional and the amount you give is entirely up to you.

Why donate? I want to spend my time directly helping musicians by creating new blog posts, articles, podcasts and teleseminars with the primary intention of helping you become a better musician. If you would like to support me in my mission to help musicians grow, please consider making a contribution. Any amount is appreciated.

To leave a donation via PayPal, MasterCard, or VISA, please click the button below:

If you’d prefer to send a check, money order, or cash via postal mail, please use the following mailing address:

Graham English
174 Summer St.
Somerville MA 02143

Please make checks payable to “Graham English”.

Thank you for your support and encouragement!

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